Recommendations to authors
The journal L’autre, Cliniques, Cultures et Sociétés, is an international, peer-review, transcultural journal with three issues a year. The journal applies strict ethical rules and requires authors to comply with its directives. Before submitting any article, authors are invited to refer to the journal’s ethical charter.
L’autre publishes only original material. Any submission to the editorial committee will be analysed with plagiary detection software. The authors undertake to ensure that their articles do not contravene intellectual property rights, and are careful to comply with citation rules.
The authors are subject to professional confidentiality and undertake to comply with the principle of absence of identification. The individuals and situations referred to in their articles are rendered anonymous. Any detail enabling their identification should be removed.
The editorial committee decides on the section and the issue in which the article, if accepted, will be published. The authors authorise the editorial committee to make alterations to the text if required in order to align it on the present recommendations. The final choice of the titles, sub-titles and key words is made by the editorial committee.
Texts that do not comply with the prerequisites set out in the present document, and bibliographies that do not comply with the APA style 7th edition, will be returned to their authors.
Recommendations to authors
- Types of publication
- Submission procedures
- Preparation of submissions
- Accepted submissions
1. Scientific articles
The length of the articles should not exceed 35 000 characters (including spaces), including bibliographic references and an abstract not exceeding 1000 characters.
The article should be structured as follows : introduction, presentation of the issues, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. Footnotes should be restricted.
The abstract should follow the layout : introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusion. It is in no way an introduction to the article. The abstract should be translated into English, and if possible into Spanish, and translation into a further language is also possible.
Five to ten key words should be provided, chosen from the Ascodocpsy Santé Psy thesaurus : https://www.ascodocpsy.org/santepsy/?lvl=cmspage&pageid=6&id_rubrique=95
2. Research memoranda
Brief reports by young researchers are published. These texts concern either an original methodological aspect or early research results. Research memoranda should not exceed 10 000 characters (including spaces) and a maximum of 5 bibliographic references, as well as an abstract (in French and English) which should not exceed 500 characters and 5 key words (see Santé Psy link above).
Research memoranda should follow the layout : initial objective, question or hypothesis, method, research tools, study population, first results or partial results, conclusion, brief bibliography. The abstract should follow the same layout.
These texts should be sent to Sevan Minassian (sevan.minassian@aphp.fr) and Guillaume Wavelet (guillaume.wavelet@gmail.com) in charge of this section.
3) Short texts for the Supplement section (published solely online)
Short texts, images relating to transcultural issues, debates, reactions, field notes, current news, portraits, place presentations, reports on films or exhibitions, literary creations, narratives, etc. The format is free, and should not exceed 15 000 characters. There is neither an abstract nor key words.
4) Interviews
L’autre publishes interviews with prominent figures related to transcultural issues. Before conducting an interview of this type, agreement should be obtained from Claire Mestre, in charge of the section : claire.mestre@yahoo.fr
a. Length : 30 000 to 40 000 characters, which corresponds to an interview of about an hour. A longer version can be published on the journal website.
b. Transcriptions : the interviews should be submitted to the editors following adjustments to provide material that is publishable in writing. Rewriting requires correct syntax, as far as possible avoiding incomplete sentences, sentences without verbs, suspension dots or over-frequent exclamations. The questions can be reworded and the text rearranged in more logical manner. Frequent repetitions in the verbatim should be removed.
c. Presentation : there should be a title, and subtitles if required.
d. The interviewer (or interviewers) are cited as co-authors. In the body of the text the interviewer is referred to as « L’autre » and the interviewee by his or her initials.
e. The text is preceded by a presentation of the interviewee in 10 to 20 lines.
f. Footnotes should be reduced as far as possible, and merely used to cast light on an allusion in the text, avoiding excess erudition.
g. The text is followed by a bibliography in APA style 7th edition including the main publications of the interviewee and all the necessary indications to access them.
h. The text filed to the editorial committee should be approved by the interviewee.
i. It is recommended to provide quality photographs of the interviewee and seek his/her authorisation to publish them.
j. The interviewee should be clearly informed that there is no undertaking to publish in a given issue, and that the text may not be published exhaustively (part can be put on the journal website). The time lapse between the interview and publication is lengthy, generally more than one year.
k. A copy of the journal issue in which the interview is published will be sent to the interviewee.
l. It is possible to film the interview. The person concerned should of course be informed beforehand and his/her agreement should be obtained (a form should be completed to detail the conditions of use of the film). If the person agrees, contact should be made with Michel and Stéphane Boussat who will take charge of the technical aspects : mboussat@wanadoo.fr, sboussat@yahoo.fr
5. Reading notes
Reading notes can concern scientific research or works of fiction alike, and should not exceed 3500 characters, including spaces. There is no bibliography. Only one footnote reference can be inserted. The notes are preceded by the full title of the work presented, the name of the author, the publisher, the place of publication, and the year of publication. Reading notes are signed by the name of the author of the note, with no mention of affiliations. The author should have the work in question to hand.
They must be sent directly to Mariette Plagne mariette.plagne-ext@aphp.fr and Sevan Minassian sevan.minassian@aphp.fr. It is possible to apply to the editors for a book in order to produce a reading note, but only if the publication is recent (under six months).
6. Field notes :
Field notes are texts focusing on a particular professional experience or an original research field in the humanities and social sciences. These texts may adopt a personal tone, including an analysis of cultural counter-transference. The context and framework of the clinical or research field should be sufficiently developed in the introduction and body of the text. In the conclusion, follow-up action and possible perspectives may be mentioned. The format is free and may not exceed 15,000 characters. Field notes include a summary of 500 characters (in French and English) and a maximum of 5 keywords. Footnotes and bibliographical references may be included in the text, but are not compulsory.
These texts should be sent to Sevan Minassian (sevan.minassian@aphp.fr) et Mariette Plagne (mariette.plagne-ext@aphp.fr)
a. The submission is addressed by email and to : sevan.minassian@aphp.fr and mariette.plagne-ext@aphp.fr
b. The accompanying email should specify 1) that the article is submitted for publication in the journal L’autre, 2) that the article has not been previously published, 3) the number of characters (including spaces) in the manuscript, and 4) the section of the journal targeted by the submission (special issues, original articles, research notes, supplement etc.).
c. On the title page the corresponding author should provide complete contact details : email, postal address, mobile phone, as well as the email addresses of all co-authors, which conditions the subsequent dispatch of off-prints.
d. All authors should describe their functions and affiliations on the title page.
e. Compliance with the present recommendations is a prerequisite to the assessment of the manuscript
f. The authors will receive confirmation of reception of the manuscript by the editors and a reference number.
g. The submission is rendered anonymous and addressed to two, sometimes three reviewers for evaluation. The decisions of the reviewers (acceptance, acceptance pending alterations, major or minor, refusal) are final. Unpublished submissions are not returned.
h. The list of the reviewers is published in the last issue of each year.
1. The full submission, including bibliographic references, abstracts and footnotes, should be in Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, non-justified, with at most two title levels. All the pages should be numbered.
2. The title page should comprise the following :
a. the number of characters (including spaces, abstracts and references), which should be indicated at the top of the page
b. the title
c. the names of the authors, their affiliations, and the precise contact details of the corresponding author (address, telephone, email). All the authors should describe their functions and their affiliations.
3. Abstract page
This page should include the title, the key words and the abstracts. The abstract should contain the essential information, including the conclusions of the article. It should be structured in the same manner as the article, i.e. introduction, method, results, discussion and conclusion.
The abstracts should be accompanied by 5 to 10 key words. They should be provided in French, English and if possible Spanish (including the title of the article). They should not exceed 1000 characters for articles and 500 for research memoranda.
4. References in the body of the text
Citations should be in Roman characters and in inverted commas. Notes are placed as footnotes, and limited in number. The bibliographic references in the text are recalled as follows (Moro, 2020) or « according to Moro (2020) ». When there are several authors only one is cited : (Le Du et al., 2001). For quotes, the page number should be mentioned : (Moro, 2020, p. 66)
5. Bibliographic references
The bibliographic references should correspond to the APA style 7th edition. See : https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples
a. Only references cited in the text should be included in the bibliography.
b. Personal communications and unpublished manuscripts should not appear in the reference list, but should be indicated in footnotes.
c. The references are placed at the end of the article, and classified in alphabetical order according to the first author and not numbered.
Examples :
– for an article in a journal : Sawaya, M., Louët, E., & Baubet, T. (2018). Transmission intergénérationnelle et transgénérationnelle du vécu de guerre chez des Libanais migrants : apports des épreuves projectives. Psychologie clinique et projective, 24(1), 83-104.
– for books and monographies : Fassin, D. (2008). Faire de la santé publique. Presses de l’EHESP.
– for a chapter in a book : Moro, M. R. (2016). Par-delà les cultures. Dans J. F. Marmion (dir.), Troubles mentaux et psychothérapies (pp. 159-162). Éditions Sciences Humaines.
6. Figures, tables, images
These should be numbered (indicating their placement in the text), presented in high resolution on separate pages, with their legends.
If the submission is accepted pending alterations (major or minor), the final decision depends on whether the author has taken account of the comments and requests for alterations from the peer review.
When they receive their proofs, authors should return the revised article to the editorial committee within a week, the only corrections at this stage being typing and spelling errors.
The editorial committee decides on the section in the journal in which an accepted submission will be published. It reserves the right to alter the title, the abstracts, the key words and the date of publication.
The author(s) can propose illustrations for which they retain the rights, or that are free access. The final choice of illustrations is made by the editors.
Electronic off-prints will be sent to all co-authors, provided their emails are correctly indicated in the article.
• Your manuscript should be accompanied compulsorily by the following page « Prerequisites for submissions« , printed and completed by you.