Ethical Charter for the journal L’autre
The journal L’autre applies strict ethical rules. Any person involved in the elaboration of the journal, authors and collaborators are bound to comply with them.
The journal bases these requirements on the code of conduct and best-practice guidelines for journal editors. As a peer review journal, L’autre expects its reviewers to comply with the ethical guidelines for peer reviewers elaborated by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
The present guidelines draw inspiration from the directives of this Committee.
1. The journal’s undertakings
The editorial committee prioritises the constant improvement of the journal L’autre, and the publication and diffusion of clear, good-quality and ethical scientific content.
The editorial committee of the journal undertakes to focus all its efforts on processing the many submissions it receives quickly and efficiently.
The editorial committee will return any article that does not comply with the publication requirements of L’autre to the author. These requirements are set out in the recommendations to authors.
If a submission does not concern the themes dealt with by the journal or does not fall within the editorial policy, the submission can be refused by the editorial committee without undergoing the blinded peer review process.
The editorial committee can refuse an article without specifying the motives for refusal if for ethical reasons it considers that the article and its author fall short of the integrity of the research (non compliance with deontological requirements, failure to respect the subjects, absence of explicit authorisation for participation in the research by persons approached, essentialisation of cultures, etc.).
Evaluation process
L’autre publishes solely original articles. The submissions are analysed by software designed to detect plagiary. Should the rules not be complied with, the submission is rejected.
Any publication that is suspected of multiple or redundant publications will be investigated by the editorial committee. If the duplication is confirmed (use of the same data, identical results etc.) the submission is rejected.
Field notes and reading notes are not subject to the blind assessment process.
All articles submitted to the editorial committee and the research notes are sent in anonymous form to at least two reviewers for assessment.
Once the reviewers have filed their assessment reports, the editorial committee and the scientific management of the journal deliberate and decide to accept the submission pending alterations (which can be major or minor) or to refuse it :
– if the article is accepted pending alterations, the final decision is made on the basis of compliance by the author with the comments and demands of the reviewers
– if the article is refused, detailed motives for the refusal are sent to the author so as to provide him/her with the elements that led to this decision.
All submissions for publication to the editorial committee of the journal L’autre are assessed with the same care, with no distinction in the basis of gender, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic origin or academic or institutional affiliation.
Confidentiality and use of the data
The process of blind evaluation means that the author(s) and the reviewers must remain anonymous. No data or information concerning the author(s) or the reviewers is disclosed to protagonists. The names of the reviewers, once their decision has been made known, are provided in the reading committee report published in the last issue of each year, except if they oppose it.
No correspondence concerning the submission takes place outside the evaluation procedure. No information concerning the text, and no argument or analysis derived from an article is made known before the publication of the article.
Outside the evaluation procedure, and in general manner, the data concerning authors or collaborators of the journal L’autre is strictly confidential. It is never made public without explicit agreement.
Professional confidentiality/secrecy
Professional confidentiality or secrecy is defined as the non-communication of secret, medical or personal information by professionals in possession of the said information. The editorial committee ensures the compliance with professional secrecy on the part of authors, in particular by way of the absence of identification.
The principle of non-identification
The journal L’autre takes great care to ensure that individuals cited in articles that it publishes are made anonymous. The editorial committee sees that names are altered and that no detail is given that might enable the identification of the persons.
Conflict of interest
By conflict of interest, the journal refers to any situation presenting interferences between the interests of the different parties involved in the elaboration of the journal that could influence and compromise the impartial, objective and independent conduct of its functions.
In case of conflict of interest in the editorial committee, the members concerned declare themselves incompetent.
Editorial processing
Once accepted, articles are subjected to an editorial processing by the editorial committee, in collaboration with the authors.
The editorial committee ascertains the scientific quality of the articles published in the journal L’autre. If it considers that a published article contains a serious error, the author(s) are to submit their corrections, which will be published.
Author fees
No author fees are charged for the publication of articles in the journal.
2. Undertakings by the reviewers
Right to withdraw/declare incompetence
Reviewers agree to assess a submission when the subject is related to their area of expertise. If this is not the case, or if the reviewer cannot assess the article for lack of time or any other reason, the reviewer(s) concerned should promptly declare themselves incompetent to the editorial committee
The reviewers report any conflict of interest for the assessment of an article, and declare themselves incompetent to the editorial committee.
The reviewers assess an article in objective manner, respecting the intellectual independence of the author(s) and are not influenced in their evaluation by the origin of the submission, the nationality of the author(s), gender or any other characteristic that might be deduced from the article.
The reviewers file their assessments within one month, basing themselves on the recommendations to reviewers of the journal L’autre. The assessments filed should be precise and backed up by examples. The reviewers undertake to provide a constructive assessment for the author(s), avoiding any hostility and excluding any slanderous remark.
Originality and plagiary
The reviewers take care to ensure that the author(s) have not used the research of another without citing that author, and that the references used are set out according to citation rules. In case of suspicion of plagiary, the reviewers should inform the editorial committee immediately.
Multiple or redundant publications
The reviewers will inform the editorial committee of any awareness or suspicion of multiple or redundant publications between the submission and a published or submitted article in another journal.
Confidentiality and use of the data
The reviewers will respect the confidentiality of the blind assessment process, and will make public no information or detail concerning the submission or their comments.
The reviewers undertake to not appropriate or enable another person or institution to appropriate information derived from a submission and obtained in the course of the assessment process.
The reviewers may not use any data derived from a submission they have assessed, this being applicable until publication, and in compliance with citation rules.
3. Undertakings by authors
Originality and plagiary
The author(s) will submit an article to the editorial committee complying with the publication standards set out in the document recommendations to authors of the journal L’autre.
The author(s) guarantee that the submission is original, and that its publication does not infringe intellectual property rights. They undertake not to appropriate ideas of another author without citing that author.
The author(s) guarantee that all the references in their article comply strictly with citation rules.
Multiple and redundant publications
The author(s) undertake to ensure that the article submitted to the journal L’autre has not been submitted or published elsewhere. They also undertake to ensure that their article, its data and its results are not redundant with another of their articles already published.
Citation of authors
The authors cited should be restricted to individuals who have contributed significantly to the elaboration, drafting and interpretation of the article.
Conflicts of interest
The author(s) will inform the journal editorial committee of any potential conflict of interest, whether financial, professional or other, that could be interpreted as having had an influence on their approach.
Professional confidentiality and secrecy
The author(s) undertake to comply with profession confidentiality. They will also take all care to render any person cited in the article anonymous by removing any detail that could enable identification.
The author(s) guarantee compliance ethical requirements in their research and the integrity of their scientific approach. They also ensure that the article does not contain any slanderous remarks, false declarations or information that is known to be inexact.
Editorial processing
The author(s) will collaborate with the editorial committee throughout the editorial processing of their submission. The authors also authorise possible corrections and possible alterations of the title, the abstract or the key words when this is deemed necessary to align on the standards of the journal.
The author(s) take account of the demands for alterations by the reviewers and revise their submission accordingly for its possible publication.
The corresponding author ensures communication with the editorial committee of the journal L’autre and with the co-authors.
The corresponding author ensures that all the co-authors have agreed to the final version of the article.
If the author(s) realise that the published article contains a significant error, they will inform the editorial committee immediately and will collaborate in order to remove it or make the appropriate alterations to the text. The erratum will then be published.
Conversely, if the editorial committee of the journal discovers after publication that an article contains a serious error, the authors will file a correction or proof of the accuracy of their article.
The author(s) authorise the diffusion of their article in paper and digital format (in particular on the L’autre website or the Cairn.info portal).
If the author(s) wish to re-publish their article (for instance for a chapter in a book), and provided there is clear mention of the bibliographic reference of the first publication in the journal L’autre, they should inform the publisher who will respond in writing.
Open archives
On request from the author(s), the article can be integrated into open archives one year after its publication date, provided the bibliographic reference of the first publication in the journal L’autre is clearly indicated.
Publication under Creative Commons license
Authors may choose to publish their texts under a Creative Commons open license only of the type CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.
Authors must specify this particular clause when sending their manuscript.
Transfer of rights
Upon acceptance by the editorial board of the journal L’autre, a letter-contract will be sent to the authors specifying the conditions of transfer of rights specified below :
- The authors assign to La Pensée sauvage, publisher of the journal L’autre, the exclusive right to all primary and secondary or derivative rights :
– the primary publishing rights (original edition in French), for all countries and for the entire duration of the work’s protection, in paper and digital versions ;
– the secondary and derivative publishing rights, in all languages, for all countries and for the entire duration of the work’s protection, the editorial adaptation rights with a view to reproduction on another medium (CD-ROM, DVD, etc.) or on the Internet and the right to insert part of the work on such media, as well as the lending rights and the public communication rights
- The authors guarantee the publisher the originality of their contribution (it has not been the subject of any other publication) and assure him/her of the full and free use of the rights thus assigned ;
- The authors agree that the editorial board may modify the summaries and keywords of their text ;
- The authors agree that once the text has been accepted by the editorial board, it is no longer possible to make any substantive changes to the text. Only spelling and typographical changes will be possible at the proofreading stage ;
- If their article is co-authored by several authors, the main author must ensure that the co-authors agree to this transfer of rights.
- The authors guarantee to have taken care to avoid plagiarism